Site setup for new long-term observations in NJ

Roisin Commane
January 30, 2023

Andrew joined Roisin on a trip to the Rutgers New Jersey PAMS site in New Brunswick, NJ to install our new Picarro G2401 analyzer (for CO2/CH4/CO).

Fully extended sonic arms on the 20 m tower

The PAMS site is ridiculously well equipped with all kinds of weather and composition measurements. The 20m tower has a winch so we didn't even need to go climbing! I think this may have been the easiest installation of sampling lines and instruments in my entire career! Here's to hoping that luck (and brilliant design) rubs off on the rest of the data collection. 

This location was chosen as it is upwind from New York City much of the time. Sampling here will allow us to measure the amount of CO2, CH4 and CO coming in from central New Jersey. So when used with our Harlem and Lamont data and NIST CO2/CH4 data from Mineola and CO observations from NJDEP and NYSDEC, we will be able to more accurately constrain sector-specific sources of CO2, CH4, and CO in the region. 

Our goal with this network is to eventually make them available online but we will have to get through a few software hiccups first. 

Mid way through installation of the Picarro G2401, which was tucked in under a desk to keep it out of the way