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Ludda coring permafrost

Research Overview

We quantify carbon (CO2 and methane) fluxes in Arctic tundra, boreal and urban ecosystems using field measurements, atmospheric concentrations and various modeling tools. We investigate surface - atmosphere fluxes of various gases and the ecosystem processes driving these fluxes. Our urban work is hosted on the New York Atmospheric composition and Air Quality (NYAAQ) website. Our global approach to quantifying carbon fluxes is explained in the CarbonFOX project. 

Recent News

Urban Isoprene in the News

Dandan Wei's ES&T paper: High-Resolution Modeling of Summertime Biogenic Isoprene Emissions in New York City received a lot of interest from NYC news! Kevin Krajick at LDEO wrote a press release that interested many media outlets, some of which wasn't quite what we intended. But thankfully, Austyn Gaffney interviewed Dandan, Andrew Reinmann and Roisin for a really well written article in the New York Times: New York City's Trees Work Hard. Still, they could use a little help that explained the link between biogenic volatile organic compounds and air quality in New York City.

Thanks again to the NOAA AC4 program for funding this project! 

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