Dandan Wei
Dandan has a B.S. in Meteorology, a M.S. in Ecology, and a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Chemistry. Her research is broadly focused on quantifying sources and sinks of biogenic VOCs, including emissions, gas-phase chemistry, vertical transport, and secondary organic aerosol formation. She uses a variety of approaches including modeling and observational analysis. Dandan brings her expertise in numerical modeling and atmospheric chemistry to the Commane group, studying the impacts of biogenic VOC fluxes on the atmospheric composition of the New York City Metro Area. Dandan likes swimming, traveling, and watching soccer (a proud Arsenal fan!).
Dandan is leading our research on urban VOC and carbon fluxes.
Publications from Previous Research
Wei, D; Millet, DB; Stevens, P; Keutsch, F; Murphy, J; Wennburg, P; Steiner, AL: FORest Canopy Atmosphere Transfer (FORCAsT) 2.0: updates on the 1-D model of biosphere-atmosphere chemical exchange, Geoscientific Model Development (in Discussion, doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2021-104)
Wei, D; Alwe, HD; Millet, DB; Kavassalis, S; Lew M; Bottorff, B; Stevens, P; Steiner, AL: Investigation of isoprene dynamics during the day-to-night transition period, Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmosphere, 125, 1-15 (2020).
Wei, D; Fuentes, JD; Gerken, T; Trowbridge, AM; Stoy, PC; Chamecki, M: Influences of nitrogen oxides and isoprene on ozone-temperature relationships in the Amazon rain forest, Atmospheric Environment, 206, 280-292 (2019).
Wei, D; Fuentes, JD; Gerken, T; Chamecki, M; Trowbridge, AM; Stoy, PC; Katul, GG; Fisch, G; Acevedo, O; Manzi, A; von Randow, C; Nascimento dos Santos, R: Environmental and biological controls on seasonal patterns of isoprene above a rainforest in central Amazonia, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 256–257, 391-406 (2018).
Wei, D; Zhang, J; Meng, P; Li, C; Ren, Y. Variations of canopy temperature in Quercus variabilis plantation and their relations with micrometeorological factors. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 23 (7): 1767- 1773 (2012)
- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, PA – 2018
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
- MSc., Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China – 2012
- Ecology
- B.Sc., Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China – 2009
- Applied meteorology
Research Appointments
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist – 2021 - Present
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, NY
- Advisor: Róisín Commane
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow – 2019 - 2021
- University of Michigan